This is how the story goes...
Once upon a Sunday night James and Melissa were pleasantly watching TV on the couch. When all of a sudden...Melissa shrieked MOOOOOUUUSSSSSEE!!! Melissa saw a mouse run right behind the TV unit (the beautiful one she redid). James did some quick thinking and told Melissa to block one side and push it with a broom so he could catch the mouse in a box. Who knew mice could climb brooms? That mouse went right up the broom and up Melissa's arm. Melissa was so grossed out she did some crazy acrobatic move to escape the horror! Welp, that mouse was out from behind the TV unit.
James flipped over all the couches and was chasing the little rascal back and forth with the broom. That little guy/girl ran faster than Melissa's camera could take pictures. Yup that is right, Melissa was on top of the table holding Jolie and taking pictures of the madness below. James later commented on how he has seen in the movies the crazy lady get on top of the table to hide from a mouse, he couldn't believe it happened in real life, and his wife was the crazy woman. Jolie stood staring at her crazy parents trying to figure out what was going on. She was oblivious to the fact that there was a mouse in the house.
The mouse ran into the kitchen behind the oven, so James pulled the oven out and out runs the mouse. Then it goes behind the fridge. James pulls the fridge out and out runs the mouse and goes under the dishwasher! James takes off the lower piece of the dishwasher. After some waiting, the mouse runs back under the fridge and back under the dishwasher to start making its home. It was like a game of cat and mouse! Their house was a mess.
James had rat traps from a school project so he set those up in hopes to have a little mouse in the morning. Sunday night, no mouse. Monday night, no mouse, Tuesday night, no mouse. Now this little mouse must have been pretty smart. Every morning the cheese was gone, but there was no mouse. He/she would wait for it to dry up so he/she could just grab it off the trap. Come Wednesday morning James set up one last trap under the dishwasher with peanut butter and he was off to school. Melissa was sitting on the couch writing her grocery list and SNAP! She ran so fast with thrill to the kitchen, bent down, and saw a little bitty mouse struggling for its life. She was sad for the little mouse, but glad she could put her house back together.
The End.
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
1 week ago