

Monday, September 7, 2009

Digital Class

I am taking a digital photography class at the community college on my free Friday, which puts me at 20 credits this semester. We were asked to "get familiar" with our cameras so James and I went downtown on Sunday after church and I took some pictures to "get familiar" with the camera.


  1. Great job lil photographer!!! i love the angles!

  2. DUDE! I JUST got it! I just figured out why the shadow next to James and Jolie looked so weird...cuz it ISN'T theirs!!! hahahaha. I knew Jolie's was weird cuz the tongue was sticking out but it wasn't til I paid attention to James' and saw the rolls on the shadow's neck and it was odd...and then it clicked. hahahaha. derrrr dawna!!!!
    Nice job trickin' us! or rather...ME!

  3. Cool pictures, that seems like it will be a fun class! I especially like the last one of you!

  4. Those look awesome Melissa! Think you'll be ready to do weddings by next December?? :)

  5. I just found your blog on Modern Molly Mormons. What fun pics! I can tell from your other posts that you already are a great photographer.
