

Saturday, January 9, 2010

4 of {x} REDO!

James and I have been looking for a TV stand forever. Since I lived with my past roommate we have been using this...

I of course wanted something inexpensive that we could redo. We have checked Goodwill, DI, and other used furniture stores nearly every week for about 6 months, but nothing good had come about. I told James we needed to be patient because eventually we would find something.

Well...last Saturday we were on the North side of town and we went to the Goodwill there. We found a solid oak stand for $20 that would work perfectly. I had coupons at home (turns out they were only good for central Phoenix Goodwills :/ ) so we drove home and after we grabbed James truck I suggested we stop by the Goodwill near us just to be sure.

Boy was I glad we did. We couldn't believe our eyes! I full TV entertainment center, solid oak, for a BARGAIN, only $50! James stood by it to claim it and I went and found help. We rushed that thing home and couldn't wait to get started on redoing it.

I'm guessing a piece of furniture like this would cost anywhere from $200-$400! The guy that was helping us load it into the truck said it had just come in not long ago that very same day. So it was perfect timing.

Here are the pictures...

I realized this morning I deleted the before pictures of the center last night and I was really sad, but my wonderful, smart, sexy husband recovered them for me so I could share them with you all.

Notice we left the door off because I wanted to put baskets in. However, if we had the left the door on I think I would have put chicken wire in where the glass was. James thinks we broke our record for number of stores visited in one day looking for baskets, but what can we say, we like to be sure on what we are buying. We bought a package of three different sizes at Ross then I brilliantly thought of checking world market. They did have the most gorgeous green baskets that would be PERFECT. Or so we thought.

Unfortunately they were a little too small for the space, so we checked out Bed Bath and Beyond, with wedding gift card and coupons in hand, where we found the green ones that are in there now. They ended up working just fine and I like them because they are deep and you can't see the junk you put in them. But I was a little frustrated to find out when I got home that I forgot to use the gift card! ugh. I hate when that happens!!!

Anyways, that is it hope you enjoyed. I am very proud of this redo. It makes our home a little more homely and is just our style!


  1. I love redos! The black looks so good, and those baskets add some spark, awesome job.

  2. That is amazing! You are so lucky to have a husband who enjoys helping you with that kind of thing :)

  3. That is one gorgeous piece of work!!!! You guys are an amazing team! Teach me. I am also happy your husband loves to go looking at 500 different stores for baskets. =]]

  4. You're so crafty, I love it!

    BTW - Peter would never go to more than 3 stores, lol. He has this unspoken 2 place limit when we go anywhere, it drives me nuts! lol

  5. That looks absolutely fabulous! What an awesome find, for FIFTY bucks, LOVE IT! Love the baskets, love it all! Good for you for being so thrifty!

  6. What a great find, for a great deal, and now it's priceless! My hubby and I always wish we had skills like that...maybe one day we'll acquire some! But you guys did a great job and I love distressed black furniture (that's our type of style too). Way to be patient, it was worth it!

  7. $50??? It's perfect! Although that plastic one was pretty sexy... ;)

  8. Hey stranger. Thank you for the American Idol tip! My husband and I watched last night's episode and it totally completed my day!! Thank you, thank you!

    Cute blog by the way!

  9. What an awesome deal. It turned out fabulous!!! Way to go!


  10. My in-laws had almost the exact same entertainment center, and they would just die to see what they could have done with it instead of giving it away! It's gorgeous!

  11. Great makeover! It turned out amazing. Thanks for sharing.
